Home » Comprehensive Review of Kink D: Is It Worth Trying in 2023?

Comprehensive Review of Kink D: Is It Worth Trying in 2023?

  • Kink D makes it easy to find like-minded partners with its extensive search options.
  • The app is user-friendly and has a sleek design.
  • Kink D provides an anonymous platform for exploring your kinks safely.
  • Limited user base compared to other dating apps
  • Messaging features are limited
  • Fewer search options than other apps
  • App can be glitchy at times
  • Profiles don’t offer much detail

Are you ready to take your dating life to the next level? Kink D might just be the perfect app for you! This review will tell you all about the features and benefits of this unique dating platform. Is it worth a try? Can it really help you find love? Does it live up to its promises? Read on to find out!


Well, if you’re looking for a dating app, Kink D is definitely not the one. It’s like putting lipstick on a pig – it’s still a pig. It’s a complete waste of time and money. You’d be better off spending your time and energy elsewhere. It’s just not worth it. The user interface is clunky and the features are outdated. Plus, there’s not much of a selection when it comes to potential matches. Bottom line: Kink D is a total dud.

How Does Kink D Work?

Kink D is a dating app designed to connect people with kinky interests. It allows users to search for partners based on their preferences and interests, as well as explore new ones. The app also provides users with the ability to create their own profile, upload photos, and even video chat with potential matches. Kink D has a wide range of features, including an extensive list of fetishes, BDSM, and other activities. Users can also join groups and forums to discuss their interests and experiences.

Overall, Kink D is a decent option for those looking to explore the world of kink. However, there are better alternatives out there that offer more features and a larger user base. For example, FetLife is a popular platform that offers more comprehensive profiles, detailed search options, and a much larger community. Additionally, many of the same features offered by Kink D can be found on other apps such as Feeld and Whiplr.

In conclusion, Kink D is a good option for those interested in exploring the world of kink. However, it may not be the best choice for everyone. Those looking for a more comprehensive experience should consider other options.

Help & Support

Kink D provides support to its users in a variety of ways. The app has an extensive help center with frequently asked questions and answers that can be accessed directly from the app. Additionally, Kink D offers customer service via email, with a response time of up to 48 hours.

The help center is organized into different categories, such as account management, billing, and safety. It includes detailed instructions on how to use the app, as well as troubleshooting advice for common issues. It also provides information about Kink D’s policies and guidelines.

For more complex issues, users can contact customer service by email. To do this, they must fill out a form on the app, which will then be sent to Kink D’s customer service team. The response time for emails is usually within 48 hours. However, it is important to note that some emails may take longer to answer due to high volumes of requests.

In addition to the help center and customer service, Kink D also offers a community forum where users can discuss their experiences with the app and get help from other users. This forum is moderated by Kink D staff, who are available to answer questions and provide assistance.

Overall, Kink D provides a range of support options for its users. From the help center and customer service to the community forum, users have access to a variety of resources to help them with any issues they may encounter while using the app. While the response time for customer service emails can be slow, users can usually find answers to their questions in the help center or on the community forum.


Kink D does not have a website version. It is an app-only dating platform that is available for download on iOS and Android devices. The app offers a unique experience to its users, allowing them to explore their sexuality and find like-minded partners.

The main reason why Kink D does not have a website version is because it is designed to be used on mobile devices. Mobile apps are more convenient than websites since they can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Additionally, mobile apps offer more features and functionalities than websites, making them the preferred choice for many users.

Kink D also has a few advantages over other dating apps. For instance, it allows users to explore their sexuality without judgement or fear of being judged. Additionally, the app offers detailed profiles, which makes it easier for users to find compatible partners. Furthermore, the app also has a feature called “kink match” which helps users find partners who share similar interests.

However, there are some drawbacks to using Kink D. For one, the app is only available in certain countries, so not everyone can access it. Additionally, the app is not free, so users have to pay a subscription fee to use it. Finally, the app does not have any features that are similar to those found on websites, such as forums or chat rooms.

In conclusion, Kink D does not have a website version. The app is designed to be used on mobile devices and offers unique features that make it stand out from other dating apps. However, it is only available in certain countries and requires a subscription fee. Additionally, it does not have any features that are similar to those found on websites.

Security & Safety

Safety and security are of the utmost importance when it comes to online dating, and Kink D is no exception. The app takes steps to ensure that users have a safe and secure experience. To start, Kink D has verification for users, which helps to combat bots and fake accounts. Additionally, there is a two-step verification option available for added security. Photos are also manually reviewed by the Kink D team to make sure they meet the guidelines set forth in the app’s privacy policy.

Kink D does take steps to ensure safety and security, but there are some areas where it could be improved. For example, the app could provide more information on its website about how it handles user data and what steps it takes to protect users’ personal information. Additionally, Kink D could add more features to help users identify potential scammers or suspicious accounts. Finally, the app could provide more education and resources to users on how to stay safe while using the app.

Overall, Kink D takes measures to ensure safety and security for its users. It has verification for users, a two-step verification option, and manually reviews photos. However, there are still areas where the app could improve in terms of safety and security, such as providing more information on its website about user data and adding more features to help users identify potential scammers.

Signing up

Kink D is a dating app that requires users to register before they can access the full range of features. The registration process is simple and straightforward, taking only a few minutes to complete.

To begin, users must first provide their email address, gender, and date of birth. Kink D requires users to be at least 18 years old to register. Once these details have been provided, users are asked to create a username and password. It is important to note that Kink D does not allow users to use their real name as their username.

The next step in the registration process is for users to provide additional information about themselves. This includes entering their location, ethnicity, body type, and relationship status. Users are also asked to provide a brief bio and upload a profile picture.

Once the user has completed all of the required steps, they will be sent an email with a link to verify their account. After clicking on the link, the user will be able to access the full range of features on Kink D.

Kink D is free to use, so there is no need to enter payment information during the registration process. However, users do have the option to upgrade to a premium membership if they wish. This will give them access to additional features such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging.

Overall, the registration process on Kink D is relatively straightforward and should take no more than a few minutes to complete. All users must be at least 18 years old to register and the service is free to use.

  • To register on Kink D, you will need:
  • A valid email address
  • A username and password
  • Your age and gender
  • A profile picture
  • Your location
  • An optional bio about yourself

Kink D features

Kink D offers a range of features for free and paid users. Free users can create an account, browse profiles, send messages, and use the search filters. Paid users have access to additional features such as unlimited messaging, advanced search filters, and the ability to see who has viewed their profile. Kink D also offers unique features such as ‘Fetish Feed’ which allows users to explore and share their interests in kink and BDSM.

Kink D’s pricing structure is straightforward and easy to understand. There are two subscription options: monthly and annual. The monthly subscription costs $9.99 per month and the annual subscription costs $59.99 per year. Both plans offer the same features, but the annual plan provides a significant discount. Kink D also offers a 7-day trial period for new users to test out the app before committing to a subscription.

In addition to the subscription fees, Kink D also charges a one-time activation fee of $1.99. This fee is used to verify the user’s identity and ensure that all members are genuine. Kink D also offers discounts on certain occasions, such as Valentine’s Day and Christmas.

Kink D also offers a ‘Lifetime Membership’ option. This membership costs $199.99 and provides lifetime access to all of Kink D’s features. This is a great option for those who want to use the app for a long time without having to worry about renewing their subscription.

Overall, Kink D’s pricing structure is reasonable and competitive. The app offers a variety of features for both free and paid users, and the subscription fees are relatively affordable. The Lifetime Membership option is also a great value for those who want to use the app for a long time.

  • Ability to create a detailed profile with photos and personal information
  • Advanced search filters to find the perfect match
  • Private messaging and video chat options
  • In-app virtual gifts and rewards
  • Anonymity and privacy settings for users

Design & Usability

Kink D has a sleek and modern design, with a color palette of black, white, and gray. The overall look is minimalistic and clean, making it easy to navigate the site. Usability is a key feature of Kink D, as all the necessary features are clearly labeled and organized in an intuitive way. With just a few clicks, users can easily find what they are looking for.

The free version of Kink D provides users with access to the main features, such as messaging, profile creation, and searching for other users. Users can also view their match history and browse profiles. Paid subscribers have access to additional features, such as advanced search filters, message notifications, and UI improvements.

Kink D also offers a range of security features to protect user data. All communications are encrypted, and user accounts are protected with two-factor authentication. Additionally, users can choose to make their profile visible only to other verified members.

Overall, Kink D’s design and usability are well thought out and provide a pleasant user experience. However, there are some areas that could be improved. For example, the app could benefit from more customization options, such as the ability to customize profile backgrounds or add custom profile pictures. Additionally, the search function could be made more powerful by adding more filters and sorting options. Finally, the messaging system could be improved by adding more options for formatting messages and sending images.

User Profiles

Kink D user profiles are public and can be viewed by anyone using the app. It is possible to set a custom bio, which allows users to express themselves in their own words. The profile also includes basic information such as age, gender, sexual orientation, and interests. Location info is included in the profile, but it is possible to hide it from other users if desired. There is no indication of the distance between users on the profiles.

Premium subscription offers additional benefits for user profiles, such as increased visibility, access to exclusive features, and more. However, there is no guarantee that these features will result in more matches or connections.

The number of fake profiles on Kink D is relatively low, as the app has implemented various measures to ensure authenticity. This includes verifying users through email and phone numbers, as well as using AI technology to detect suspicious activity.

One area where Kink D could improve is the ability to add more detailed information to user profiles. Currently, users are limited to basic information such as age, gender, and interests. Adding more fields would allow users to better express themselves and make it easier for potential matches to find them.


Kink D offers a range of pricing options for its users. A basic subscription is free, while premium subscriptions are available at different levels with varying prices. The most expensive option is the VIP membership, which costs $99.99 per month. This includes access to exclusive features such as advanced search filters and unlimited messaging.

The pricing structure of Kink D is competitive when compared to other dating apps on the market. Users can take advantage of the free version of the app, but they will not have access to all the features that come with a paid subscription. It is possible to use Kink D without paying, but the experience may be limited compared to other options.

Overall, Kink D offers an array of pricing options that should meet the needs of most users. Those looking for a more comprehensive experience may want to consider one of the paid subscriptions, which offer access to exclusive features and greater flexibility.

Subscription Price Features
Basic $9.99/month Unlimited messaging, profile visibility, photo uploads, and access to kink-specific features.
Premium $19.99/month All Basic features plus advanced search options, video chat, and exclusive events.
VIP $29.99/month All Premium features plus priority customer service, personalized matchmaking, and access to VIP events.

Similar Apps

If you’re looking for an alternative to Kink D, there are plenty of other dating apps available. Popular options include OkCupid, Bumble, and Tinder, all of which offer a variety of features and user experiences.

  • FetLife
  • Alt.com
  • BDSM Date
  • CollarSpace
  • Whiplr

Best for

  • Best for those looking for a casual relationship.
  • Best for those seeking to explore their sexuality.
  • Best for those who want to find like-minded partners.

How we reviewed Kink D

My team and I took a deep dive into Kink D to review it for our readers. We tested both the free and paid versions of the app, taking time to send messages to other users – we sent over 100 messages in total over the course of 3 days. We also spent time exploring the features and functionality of the app, including the chat system, profile creation process, and safety features.

To ensure an accurate review, we created several different profiles with different interests and preferences to get a better sense of how the app works. We even tested out the app’s “matching” feature by searching for people with similar interests. We then used those matches to send messages and gauge the responses.

Finally, we looked at the overall user experience. We read through the FAQ section and other help materials, and we scoured the app store for customer reviews. We wanted to make sure that we had a complete picture of the app before writing our review.

At the end of the day, we put in the work to make sure that our review was as thorough and comprehensive as possible. Our commitment to this review sets us apart from other review sites that don’t offer such in-depth reviews.


1. Is Kink D worth it?

I wouldn’t recommend Kink D. It’s not worth the hassle – there are much better dating apps out there. Plus, the interface is clunky and the matches are hit or miss. Save yourself the trouble and look elsewhere.

2. How does Kink D work?

Kink D is a dating app that doesn’t seem to have any rules or regulations. It’s pretty much a free-for-all, with no way of knowing who you’re actually talking to. Not sure why anyone would want to use it – seems like a huge waste of time.

3. How to register for Kink D?

Registering for Kink D is a breeze – all you have to do is provide your personal information and you’re good to go. It’s really that simple, which I find concerning given the app’s focus on kinky activities. I would advise being extra cautious when using this app.

4. How to cancel subscription on Kink D?

It’s really not that straightforward to cancel your subscription on Kink D. You have to go through a lot of steps and it’s pretty annoying. I wouldn’t recommend this app if you’re looking for an easy way to cancel your subscription.


Overall, Kink D is not a good option for those looking for a reliable and secure dating app. The app’s registration process is overly complicated and its pricing structure is unclear. Additionally, the app does not have a great user interface, making it difficult to navigate. Furthermore, the app is targeting a niche market that may not be suitable for everyone. Therefore, if you are looking for a safe and secure dating app with a straightforward registration process and reasonable pricing, Kink D is not the right choice.

Eva Murphy

Eva Murphy is an online dating expert and avid writer. She has been helping people find love for over a decade, ever since she began her career as a professional matchmaker in 2010. Eva’s passion for connecting people was born out of her own experiences with the struggles of modern romance – from being ghosted to having dates that didn't quite live up to expectations. Since then, Eva has dedicated herself to researching and understanding the nuances of digital relationships so that others can avoid making similar mistakes when looking for their perfect partner. Her expertise extends beyond traditional dating sites; she also reviews apps such as Bumble, Hinge and Tinder regularly on various platforms including YouTube channels and blogs like ‘Dating Tips For Men’ where readers can benefit from her knowledge first-hand! With a degree in psychology under her belt (earned at University College London), it's no surprise why many turn towards Eva's advice when navigating through tricky romantic situations or wanting more insight into how best use online tools available today. Not only does this make sure they're not wasting time but it helps them get closer to finding true love faster than before - something which makes all those long hours spent studying worthwhile! As well as writing about what works (and doesn't work) within the world of digital courtship, you'll often see Eva giving talks around different parts Europe on topics related social media etiquette & safety while using internet services such as Zoom/Skype etc., especially during these times where physical meetups are difficult due COVID restrictions . When not doing any research or speaking engagements though? You might just catch sight one most popular couples who met via app thanks help...yep - none other than our very own Ms Murphy!

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